Monday, March 26, 2012

Blog Awards!

I am so excited to share that I received a blog award! Thank you to Vanessa Eccles for giving me this award! Vanessa Eccles is the author of a wonderful blog The Writer's Block. I highly recommend her blog to everyone.

Liebster, I am told, means "favorite" or "beloved." The award is given to bloggers with under 200 followers. These blogs are "the best kept secrets" out there.

Now, I get the honor of bestowing this award upon five other "best kept secrets." Here are some of my favorites:

1. Tamara at Book Ruckus.

2. Tinika at By His Design.

3. Joyce at Joyce's Choices.

4. Jean Vogler at Finding Your Gibbee.

Winners, here are the rules to participate:
  1. Thank the person which nominated you in a blog post.
  2. Nominate up to five other blogs.
  3. Let them know via comment on their blog.
  4. Post the award on your blog.

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