About Me

I recently began a Master of Arts in Writing at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia where I will be continuing to learn about creative writing and will undertake a major writing project.

I previously graduated from Troy University where I earned my B.S. in English. I have been writing creatively for most of my life, but I also enjoy writing essays about current events and literature. I worked as a waitress for many years before and while attending college. I worked as a secretary and volunteered my time helping college organizations.

I previously held an intern position with Deep South Magazine where I assisted with social media, editing, Southern Literature, and writing about life in the South.

Click here to read my Travel Article on the Peanuts Around Town in Dothan, Alabama.

I have been published in Troy University's Literary Journal "The Rubicon" Spring Edition.
Click here to read "The Rubicon" containing my story "Sumatran."